Friday, November 30, 2012

Popular Baby Names

I came across this hilarious news article titled "To the Mom that Names her Baby Hashtag". My only response is wow! (well other than my initial thought, is this for real?) What was she thinking? I have heard of babies being named after characters in books, movies, or songs, but Social Media lingo? What is this generation coming to? And is there seriously a baby out there named Facebook? Poor thing! I think I will be sticking with the traditional John, Jim or Mary :)

Letter Assignment

For my letter assignment I wrote to the CEO of the MPAA. I expressed to him my strong belief that the current rating system does not give an adequate content description. I mentioned my experience with Brave (which I wrote about in a previous post) and even offered a couple suggestions for improvement. 

We'll see if I get any response! 

Sunday, November 25, 2012


My husband and I watched Brave over the Thanksgiving break. I thought it was cute. I especially enjoyed the 3 little brothers. However, I was a little surprised with some of the content. Particularly the busty housemaid who stuffs the key down her dress. And the unnecessary image of the naked butts on the men. I know they are just animations, but I don't know if I would want my kids to watch this film someday. Far too often I feel that animated films these days are slipping in these little things that adults understand, but they think kids won't. It makes me think twice about what movies I will let my kids watch someday. I have a feeling there will be a lot of Classic Disney films in our house :)  

Has anyone else seen Brave? How did you feel about these scenes? 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

YouTube you never disappoint!

A little something to make you smile over the Thanksgiving Break! I spent probably a good hour watching these Studio C clips. This is what happens when I don't have any homework due for a week. There are lots more from Studio C, but these were my top 3 favorites. 




Friday, November 16, 2012

Hurricane Sandy & Mormon Helping Hands

My husband and I don't have TV so I haven't fully comprehended/understood how bad the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy is/was. I came across this video on the blog The Rockstar Diaries and I feel like it really helped me realize how bad it truly is for the people of NY. I also loved hearing the comments of those who are benefiting from the Mormon Helping Hands. I love the good things they have to say about the members, it just warms my heart to see the young adults, families, and missionaries all out there working together. Please watch it! Sorry, I couldn't figure out how to post it directly on the blog, but here is a link to it. I love this Church and the positive example the members are to the world!


There is a lot I could say about ratings, but during our class discussion I kept thinking about an experience I had with the movie Hairspray and my niece (who was probably 8 or so at the time). I love this movie, and so one day when my niece was at our house we decided to watch Hairspray. It's rated PG and she loves musicals so I didn't even think about all the civil rights and racism in the movie. Man, was I grateful my mom was there to help some of my niece's questions after it was over! This is a perfect example of how a better content advisory description would have been really helpful. Although, it was rated PG there was some content in there that was a  bit too much for my little 8 year old niece's understanding!I feel the current rating system is a good start (and better than nothing), but there is still room for a lot of improvement.

Friday, November 9, 2012

The "Mormon Moment"

I came across this extremely interesting article [click here]. It chronicles how our religion has grown in popularity and recognition in the US culture over the past 60 or so years. The author called this growth the "Mormon Moment". While reading it I kept thinking how much the church has grown in just my short life time. It makes me excited to consider how much more it can grow in my (future) kid's lifetime! Thinking about how well known our church is and how (for the most part) respected it is makes me proud to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints!

What do you think about the article?